This is Hartman Consultants, LLC webpage

I am both an Engineer; Board Certified (Diplomate) Environmental Engineer;  an Accredited Senior Appraiser  (specialty in public utilities) and have experience as a Special Magistrate for Tangible Personal Property.

BS and MS from Duke University 1975 and 1976 respectively in Civil Engineering with the specialty of Environmental Engineering and Pollution Control.  I have worked on over 400 cases and testified over 200 times.  I have appraised over 600 Water, Wastewater, Electric, Gas, and Solid Waste utilities and over 30 golf courses.  I have performed over 200 rate, charge, or fee studies.  I have participated in over 100 financings and certified to over $6 Billion in debt instruments.  I have served as the creditworthiness consultant to the State of Florida with S&P as my sub consultant.  I have participated in the design approximately one billion in constructed utility assets.  I serve investor owned utility companies, governmentally owned utility systems, banks, investors, and States concerning utility matters.  I have practiced in 36 states in the United States and three foreign countries.  Presently I am registered in 22 states with various PE numbers assigned. My ASA number nationally is #7542.

I have owned two utilities and sold them.  I have been involved in numerous utility negotiations, creation, certification, service area issues, regionalization, inter-local agreements, wholesale purchase or sale agreements, tariffs, utility standards, customer accommodation programs and revenue enhancements/optimization programs.

I have given testimony to 9 PSC’s (FL, SC, NC, MD, WV, AZ, WI, IL and IN).  I have been qualified in the areas of engineering design, regulator matters, rates/charges/fees, utility value, plant process/function/capacity/reliability and other issues.  I have testified concerning damages, errors and/or omissions, construction and cost issues.

I have 42 years of utility practice, some 100 papers and/or presentations to professional societies in that period, and one book in the field (reprinted on three occasions).

I live in the Winter Park, Florida area.

Contact me at